Numerous Vascular Malformations in Orofacial Region – A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge


  • Debasish Pramanick


Intraoral Vascular lesion, Numerous Vascular malformation, Orofacial


Vascular lesions always remain a challenge as far as its diagnosis and treatment are concerned because of its close proximity to
vital structures and risk of severe hemorrhage. Different types of vascular lesions like hemangiomas, vascular malformations
are often encountered in day-to-day dental practice, but presence of multiple vascular lesions in the orofacial region is quite
rare. Here, a rare and interesting case of multiple vascular malformations in the head-neck region of a 39-year-old female
patient involving the tongue, cheeks, lips, palate and eyes has been reported. After getting prior informed consent and routine
preoperative haematological investigations, an incisional biopsy was done from the buccal mucosal lesion and tongue lesion.
Histopathological examination of the biopsied samples revealed the presence of non-dysplastic, parakeratinized stratified
squamous epithelium backed by connective tissue stroma. The stroma contains numerous vascular channels containing red
blood corpuscles within. No active endothelial proliferation was noted. Sprinkling of chronic inflammatory cells was also
noted. Based on the said histopathological features, a diagnosis of vascular malformation was confirmed. Proper diagnosis and
making differentiation between haemangiomas and vascular malformations is utmost important because of their different
treatment plan.





How to Cite

Numerous Vascular Malformations in Orofacial Region – A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge. (2021). Journal of Orofacial Research, 10(4), 82-85.