About the Journal
Journal of Orofacial Research is a quarterly, peer-reviewed, open access, international journal published by Mansa STM Publishers, Bhopal, India. JOFR is being published in print as well as online versions. JOFR publishes original research articles as well as review articles dealing with all aspects of research in Dentistry. It encourages communication among those engaged in the research into dentistry, health services, and medical care.
Focus and Scope of the Journal:
Journal of Orofacial Research is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal, publishing quarterly in English-language, provides an international forum for the presentation of research findings and scholarly exchange in the area of Dentistry and Research. The journal publishes a broad spectrum of papers and has a special focus on various branches of Dentistry. Authors are encouraged to send the articles to the journal related to specialties like Orthodontics, Oral Surgery, Prosthodontics, Conservative Dentistry, Oral Medicine and Radiology, Oral Pathology, Community Dentistry, Pedodontics, Implant dentistry, Forensic odontology, and Periodontology.
Although preference is given to manuscripts presenting the findings of original research, review and methodological pieces will also be considered.