Case Report and Review of Keratoameloblastoma – A Rare Type of Keratin Producing Odontogenic Neoplasm


  • Debasish Pramanick


Keratoameloblastoma, Keratinized Odontogenic Rare Tumour, Paccinian corpuscle


Ameloblastoma is a slow-growing, locally invasive odontogenic tumour having odontogenic epithelial origin. Some
histological variants of ameloblastoma show keratinization such as - Acanthomatous ameloblastoma, Keratoameloblastoma and
Papilliferous Keratoameloblastoma. Among these, Keratoameloblastoma is a very rare tumour. Here, we present a case of
Keratoameloblastoma in a 45-year-old female patient. Clinically, there was an extra-oral bony hard, tender swelling involving
symphyseal and right para-symphyseal region of the mandible. Intraorally, there was a tender swelling in the dentoalveolar
region with buccal cortical plate expansion which extended from 32 to 45 tooth region. Focal area of ulceration was also seen
intraorally. Based on the clinical, radiological and histopathological features, Keratoameloblastoma was diagnosed. So, each
and every case of Ameloblastoma should be judiciously examined for any histopathological metaplastic changes and also to be
treated accordingly to prevent recurrence.





How to Cite

Case Report and Review of Keratoameloblastoma – A Rare Type of Keratin Producing Odontogenic Neoplasm. (2021). Journal of Orofacial Research, 10(4), 78-81.