Application of Cone Beam Computerized Tomography in Implantology


  • Priya Mamachan
  • Vishal Dang
  • Neelkamal Sharda Bhardwaj
  • Natalia DeSilva
  • Priyanka Kant


Cone Beam Computed Tomography, Dental implants, Radiation dosage, Diagnostic imaging.


Dental implants have gained immense popularity and wide acceptance because of its appearance and function simulating a natural tooth and its ability to replace the crown as well as the root of the missing tooth. It is important for dentists to be able to place the implants in the mandible and maxilla with a high degree of precision. The greater accuracy of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) in measurements at lower radiation doses has made it a preferred option in implant dentistry. It has led to improvements in case selection and aids in both qualitative and quantitative measurement of bone, leading to a reduction in implant failure. This article provides an overview of the potential use of CBCT in implantology.





Review Article

How to Cite

Application of Cone Beam Computerized Tomography in Implantology. (2017). Journal of Orofacial Research, 6(2), 8-13.

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