Evaluating the efficacy of pumpkin seed extract as a local drug deliver agent in chronic periodontitis patients: A case series


  • Poornima Rajendran
  • Rajesh R
  • Srihari J
  • Koshy Chithresan


Chronic Periodontitis, Local Drug Delivery, Periodontal Pocket, Pumpkin Seed Extracts


Background: To assess the efficacy of pumpkin seed extract as a local drug delivery agent (LDD) in the management of deep periodontal pockets. Materials and Methods: In the current study, the effectiveness of a locally developed gel formulation of pumpkin seed extract as an adjuvant in the management of chronic periodontitis is assessed. There were eight patients with a total of ten sites with localised periodontal disease and a pocket probing depth (PPD) of more than five millimetres. As part of the routine periodontal treatment procedure, all patients received professional oral prophylaxis and root planing. The produced extract was injected subgingivally two weeks after prophylaxis. At baseline, 15 days, one month, and three months, clinical parameters such the plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), PPD, and clinical attachment level (CAL) were noted. Results: All the assessed clinical parameters showed considerable improvement when compared to the baseline values. The obtained values were statistically significant with the p-value <0.0001. Conclusion: Pumpkin seed extract is an effective phytotherapeutic agent that can be used as adjunct to scaling and root planning to reduce the PPD and inflammatory state of the periodontium.


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Case Series

How to Cite

Evaluating the efficacy of pumpkin seed extract as a local drug deliver agent in chronic periodontitis patients: A case series. (2023). Indian Journal of Integrative Medicine, 3(1), 24-27. https://mansapublishers.com/index.php/ijim/article/view/3980