Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome (MRKH Syndrome)- An unusual case of primary amenorrhoea


  • Anushree Dixit Dr
  • Kailash Chander Aggarwal Dr.
  • Alka Agrawal



Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser, Mullerian aplasia, Neovagina, Vaginal agenesis


The onset of mestruation is a significant milestone of sexual maturation in a girl child.Although there are numerous causes of primary amenorrhoea, Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome, also known as Müllerian aplasia is one the extremely rare cause of primary amenorrhoea which is usually picked up by suitable imaging technique like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). MRKH is a rare congenital disorder that is characterised by aplasia of the uterus and upper part of the vagina with normal secondary sexual characters and a normal female karyotype (46,XX). The diagnosis is often made during adolescence following investigations for primary amenorrhea and has an estimated prevalence of 1 in 4500 live female births. MRKH syndrome is classified as type I (isolated utero-vaginal aplasia) or type II (associated with extra-genital manifestations also called Müllerian Renal Cervico-thoracic Somite (MURCS) association). No specific treatment is known for this entity except for vaginoplasty for sexual gratification.

A case of  MRKH Syndrome is reported here where a 16 year old female child presented with primary amenorrhoea.The diagnosis was made initially on  clinical suspicion by normal growth with normal secondary sexual characters with failure to achieve menstruation at the age of 16 years, which was confirmed later by MRI Pelvis showing absence of uterus and normal ovaries and blind vaginal canal was visualised and no other renal or spinal anomalies noted. Karyotyping done revealed normal karyotype, 46 XX.


Author Biographies

  • Kailash Chander Aggarwal, Dr.

    I have worked as the Professor and Head in the Department of Pediatrics at Vardhaman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital till June 2020. From July 2020 onwards I am working as Professor and Head in Department of Pediatrics at Santosh Medical College and Hospital Deemed University, Ghaziabad. I have reviewed many articles in your prestigious journal along with Indian Academy of Pediatrics. Over 20 research papers have been published in various Index journals, out of which more than 7 have been published in International journals. I have been the national Trainer in FIMNCI, IMNCI, RBSK Govt of India. I have been the expert faculty in the national Board of Examination. I have been the co-PI in various WHO supported Projects like NVBD, iKMC project.

  • Alka Agrawal

    Graduation and Post-Graduation from Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi University in 1989 and 1994. Did Senior Residency for 3 years from Maulana Azad Medical College and Lok Nayak Hospital, Delhi. In 1998, joined as Assistant Professor in Santosh Medical College and Hospital (Deemed to be University), Ghaziabad (UP). I became the Associate Professor and Professor in 2007 in Santosh Medical College and Hospital. I became the Head of Department of Paediatrics from June, 2010 to July, 2019 in Santosh Medical College and Hospital, Ghaziabad. I was appointed as Medical Superintendent in Santosh Hospital. At present I have been designated as the Dean of Santosh Medical College and Hospital (Deemed to be University), Ghaziabad (UP). I am the Chairperson of Advanced NRP Course since 2021 (Position Holding). In 2021, I was appointed as President Elect for UP- AIOP and the Co-ordinator for PG Activity in Uttar Pradesh. I was the Joint National Co-ordinator for Advanced NRP from 2015-2019. I became the member of MIAP in 1996 and FIAP 2013. I have been the master trainer for RNTCP (Paediatric), Science of vaccination (SOV). I have worked as co-ordinator in Mission Uday, Mission Kishore Uday, All about Fever and Asthma treatment Module (ATM). At present state co-ordinator UP-IAP Disability Chapter. Many research papers have been published in indexed journals nationally and internationally.






Case Report

How to Cite

Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome (MRKH Syndrome)- An unusual case of primary amenorrhoea . (2022). Indian Journal of Case Reports, 8(2), 43-45.

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