Mansa STM Publishers is publishing a variety of Scientific, Technical and Medical journals, both in print and online format. We also publish books, books chapters, monographs, etc related to these fields. We intend to publish scientific excellence and innovation in broad specialties of medicine as well as other scientific fields such as veterinary, pharmacy, dentistry, biological, and Engineering. Mansa STM Publishers is dedicated to the global dissemination of high-quality information to serve the needs of medical and scientific communities worldwide. We provide a perfect platform for the authors looking for high quality, comprehensive publishing program with the expertise of publishing professionals. The open-access journals published by Mansa STM Publishers are international, peer-reviewed journals promoting rapid exchange of scientific information among the world's academic community. We aim to maintain the highest standards of quality by different journals published by us by working closely with concerned editors and authors.

Key Features:
  • Personalized and comprehensive approach
  • Hybrid publishing models (Print as well as Open Access)
  • High-quality publications
  • Rigorous, transparent and effective external peer- review
  • High visibility and discoverability of published content
